
Pakefield Singers – Together in Harmony

Our Next Concert


A massed choir, international soloists, percussion ensemble, two pianos and a children’s choir combine for a spectacular performance of Carl Orff’s, Carmina Burana, presented by Lowestoft choir Pakefield Singers and conducted by Vetta Wise.

Also on the programme is the lively Argentinian folk Missa Criolla, by Ariel Ramirez.


Book the Date now for the ever popular


Saturday October 26th

Snape Maltings Concert Hall

Also on the programme

Misa Criolla – Ariel Ramirez     



Review of  Christmas Celebration”  a fundraising concert for the Britten as a Boy statue presented  by Pakefield Singers on 2nd December  in St Peter’s Church, Kirkley, Lowestoft


Whenever I go to a Pakefield Singers concert, I know that I’m going to see and hear a choir fully committed to their performance and Saturday night was no exception. This was an evening to celebrate and raise funds for the ‘Bb’ Britten as a boy statue project and it began with harpist, Lucinda Pennick creating a beautiful atmosphere with a piece by Rousseau. The first half continued with great festive poetry written and read by Joy Marsh, a lovely carol ‘The Oxen’ by choir member Chris Upton and accompanist Terry Cunnane’s ‘Rejoice and Be Merry’ which was a real joy to listen to. Composer Alex Campkin was also at the concert and must have enjoyed the choir’s performance of his beautiful ‘Sleep Holy Babe’ The first half ended with ‘something completely different’. A wonderful reading of the book Gaspard’s Christmas’ by well-known author Zeb Soanes who is also Patron of The Pakefield Singers and vice president of the Britten as a Boy project. The story telling was enhanced by the book’s illustrator James Mayhew, who created a wonderful picture of Gaspard in full view of the audience as the story was read. This was then offered as a wonderful final raffle prize!
The second half was a performance of one of my favourite Christmas pieces, Britten’s ‘Ceremony of carols’. A small ensemble from the choir began the ‘Hodie’ processing from the rear of the church to join the candlelit choir. It really was a special moment. The nature of this piece as a whole and the acoustics of this beautiful church made for a very atmospheric choral performance under their conductor Vetta Wise. The soloists throughout the Britten should be also be commended for their singing.

It was wonderful to see such a good turnout on what was the coldest night of the year and the evening raised over £600. There is more information and the opportunity to donate to the Britten as a boy statue project online.    www.brittenasaboy.com

JL 14.12.2023

Review of a concert presented  by Pakefield Singers on 28th October 2023 in St Margaret’s Church, Lowestoft. 

A wonderful, entertaining, unforgettable evening

It was tempting to stay home on Saturday night, watching yet another “Strictly”. However, being aware of a classical concert in a church local to me I ventured out. Haydn’s Nelson mass, and Missa Brevis in F were performed by Pakefield Singers, Aurora Consort, Pakefield Players and Robbie Carroll, organist all conducted by the erudite, professional, and extremely talented and experienced conductor Vetta Wise. Suffolk is so lucky to have her. We were also treated to the Aurora consort singing Monteverdi’s Beatus Vir and Gabrieli’s Sonata No 21 with Jim O’Toole leading The Pakefield Players. Let me first confess, my life’s work has been in Healthcare and Military nursing, but I felt compelled to write a review having been so moved by this concert. From the first musical note played, and the first human voice sung I was entranced by the professionalism and quality of sound to be found in a local church with such amazing acoustics and spiritual sense. Sitting towards the back of the vast, elegant and very beautiful Church of St. Margaret’s, Lowestoft, was something quite stunning; but to hear music written hundreds of years ago ascend to the ancient, wooded rafters and be in a space where people have prayed for over 1300 years was to escape into a World of tenderness, peace, with feelings of safety. I was truly moved to tears by the performance. How refreshing a thing to switch off from the sadness of our World for 2 hours or so. The music and singing were delightful, soothing, nuanced yet powerful all at once. I am not sufficiently knowledgeable to describe the music I was listening to in any fine detail. But I know I could have been in the Royal Albert Hall or the Birmingham Symphony Hall (both favourite haunts of mine) such was the quality and magnificence I heard. The strong choral singing of the Pakefield Singers was a real joy; distinguishable from the wonderful soloists telling the story for us. The people around me agreed and were equally moved. The passion of the conductor Vetta was almost tangible, to watch the faces of the singers and musicians as they performed under her direction translate that passion into the ancient music was there for us to see and hear, all our senses stimulated. If there could be a nuanced medicine for troubled minds or nourishment for a tormented soul, then this evening’s performance was surely it. We really must all promote these very talented local musicians and singers. I can’t recommend their next performance strongly enough. This will be a fund-raising event for the Britten as a Boy Statue Lowestoft on Saturday 2nd December 7.00pm Church of St. Peter and St. John, Kirkley and includes A Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten, with Zeb Soanes presenting.     Hilary Horton 30/10/2023


Introducing Pakefield Singers

Pakefield Singers is an amateur choir based in Pakefield near Lowestoft, Suffolk. We are a unique choir with an extensive and varied repertoire and performance history, spanning all types of music, arrangements and songs from operas, musicals, traditional and popular music, works by contemporary composers, short choral works by composers such as Faure, Mozart, Mendelssohn and Vivaldi, alongside full choral works by the likes of Verdi, Handel and Beethoven.

Since its inception in 2002, Pakefield Singers has performed extensively across the region, including concerts at Great Yarmouth Minster, Kentwell Hall, Snape Maltings, Lowestoft’s Marina Theatre, Pakefield Church, Blythburgh Church, Southwold St Edmund’s, and Pontins at Pakefield. In addition, the choir has been on tour in Denmark and has enjoyed working alongside Aled Jones and Russell Watson, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, London Gala Orchestra, Kingfisher Sinfonietta, and BBC Radio Suffolk.

We hope that, as you browse, and find out more about our history, past and future performances, our growing repertoire and aspirations, you may like to join us at a concert in the near future… If you would like further information regarding bookings, membership or sponsorship you will also find our contact details

We hope you find what you are looking for on our site but if not please contact us.

 Enjoy your visit!

If you would like to know more about the choir or would like to join us please get in touch by emailing to pakefieldsingers@gmail.com 

and follow us on Facebook.